Graham Campbell » Here's a Fun Thing...

Here's a Fun Thing...

Here's a Fun Thing...


Create an Inspiration Board 
Take a bulletin board and encourage your child to put anything on it that catches their eye: a picture from a magazine, a scrap of fabric, or an interesting leaf.  It does not matter what, so long as you can pin it up.  After a few weeks, when the board begins to fill in, talk to your child about it.  Why was this interesting?  Why did you put it here, instead of on the board there?  You would be amazed by the connections that can be made from seemingly unrelated stuff.  It's also a great way to learn something about your child you didn't know.  Designers have long used this tool to stimulate their creativity and you can too.


Make Some Hand Shadows
Dust off the old emergency flashlight some night while the batteries are still good and try your hand at making some hand shadows.  Here's a free e-book by Henry Bursill from Project Gutenberg:

Other good books are The Art of Hand Shadows, by Albert Almoznino and The Little Book of Hand Shadows, by Phila H. Webb and Jane Corby.  Can you turn them into a story?  It's another great way to integrate hand movement and imagery (something we do every time we write or gesture while communicating).  I still get a kick out of it.


Visit a Labyrinth
Seriously.  Walking a labyrinth is a great activity that requires getting up and moving.  It helps to build visualization and spatial skills.  Plus, they're just plain fun.  Believe it or not, there is a site called the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator.  I searched for labyrinths within 50 miles of Dallas and got 36!

These are just some ideas to inspire you to nourish the creativity and expression of your child.