Brianna Riddell » Grading Guidelines

Grading Guidelines

HPMS Grading Guidelines:

Basic Guidelines:  All grades will reflect mastery of the Texas History learning targets and TEKS.

Minor Summative Assessments = 40% (including classwork, project benchmarks and quizzes)

Major Summative Assessment = 60%.  (tests, essays and projects)

Work Habits = 0% (student participation, work completion, preparation)  

Practice = 0% (practice homework/classwork)



Retakes for Summative Assessments:

In order to further the learning process, retakes will be allowed for all summative assessments in which a student scores a grade below 85%. After a reassessment, the teacher will record the higher of the two grades, up to a maximum grade of 85 on the second assessment.  Retake requests must be initiated by the student.  The assessment may be retaken once, provided that the student 1) attends one of the scheduled reteach tutorials, 2) obtains a parent signature that acknowledges retake opportunity, 3) completes all missing homework and/or re-teaching activities  prior to reassessment and 4) completes the retake on/by the scheduled reassessment date. All re-teaching and retake opportunities will be completed within one week of the original assessment. Students who do not attend reassessment sessions will not be eligible for retakes. Semester exams and final submission of projects, oral presentations, labs, and major essays are not eligible for redo.


Late Work: 

All late work and missing assignments will be recorded as an incomplete (I).  Students must turn in all assignments to gain mastery of the Texas History learning targets.  Students who still have an incomplete (I) at the end of the 9 weeks grading period will become ineligible for extracurricular activities.