HPMS Parent Information » HPMS Traffic Guidelines

HPMS Traffic Guidelines

Traffic Safety Guidelines
Your child’s safety depends on EVERYONE following the rules.
On the map below, you can see where students will and will not be able to be dropped off or picked up. 

The Key Street back parking lot by the cafeteria will be available for visitor and volunteer parking this year. The Key Street queue lanes will be accessible and students may enter through the doors by the cafeteria. The first day of school is the busiest traffic day of the year around! There are many new students, which means many drivers learning the "rules of the road" on the first day.
The following hints will help you survive the first day of school:
  • Want to walk your student to the entrance on the first day? Arrive before 7:45 a.m. to find parking.
  • Want an even better alternative? Ride your bike to school with your student! There is ample bike parking on Granada by the 5th and 6th-grade entry, or by the athletic field, by the 7th and 8th-grade entry.
  • Think there are more cars than you've ever seen in your life? The second day of school is better! Athletics begin for many older students, student carpools begin and help lower the number of cars around the school, and over 100 students walk or ride their bikes.
  • Feel like you'll never get out of the gridlock? Wait five minutes, and every road will clear like magic.
  • This year, all grade levels will arrive and leave at the same time, so please be patient as we work through and adjust to this change.
What is the queue lane? 
Good question! These are the traffic lanes that are directly next to the building on all sides of the campus. The middle lanes are for moving traffic only and are never used to load or unload.  Loading and unloading should only be on the curb.  What are the rules of the carpool queue lanes?
  • Pull as far forward as possible before stopping. Your student will be fine walking an extra 10 yards to get in the building--we promise!
  • Prompt your student to have their backpack ready, shoes on, breakfast is eaten, and goodbye's said as you enter the queue lane so they can exit the car immediately upon stopping;
  • Don't try and watch your child walk in the building from a queue lane--you'll hold up the entire line of traffic;
  • Queue lanes start at the intersections around the campus--don't cut the queue lane.
  • Please remember, dismissal time is 3:25pm.  Do not begin lining up in the queue lane before 3:10pm or you will cause unnecessary congestion for families coming to school for appointments.  
  • Queue lanes are single lanes all the way around the campus.  If the queue lane is full, do not double stack, and do not cut in the lane.  Having your student load in your car across moving traffic is very dangerous, and a double lane causes additional traffic congestion and will lead to a ticket from the UPPD for blocking traffic.  When the queue lane is full, circle the block and come back around.
  • Here's a tip: arrive about 5 minutes after dismissal, and you'll have an open path to the front of the line.  The lanes clear like magic.  Also, consider finding a location about 2 blocks away from the school where your student can walk to meet you to be picked up.
traffic pattern 
How to keep from getting a ticket:
  • Don't touch that phone! "Hands-free" cell phones in the school zone mean that you can talk on a blue tooth or speakerphone, but you cannot touch the phone to dial, talk, e-mail or text;
  • The circle drive in front of the school is only for those that need special access to the building. You must have an access pass to enter the circle drive during carpool hours.
  • Never drop your student in the moving middle lanes of traffic!