Reteaching and Reassessing for Mastery

In accordance with HPISD Board Policy EIA (Local), a student will be provided with a reasonable opportunity to redo an assessment that a student fails. Final submission of projects, oral presentations, labs, and major essays are not eligible for redo. In order to further the learning process, MIS-HPMS will allow redos for other types of summative assessments in which a student scores a grade below 85. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher immediately after the grade is posted if he/she wants to participate in a reteach and reassessment. Student will arrange with me when he/ she will attend tutorials and reassess.

Requirements for Retest:

  1. Complete the error analysis form and a reteach lesson during one or two scheduled sessions. The error analysis form can be found in Google Classroom. Make a copy of the form. Then, share the form with me.
  2. Schedule a day for your retest with me.