Clinic » Raider Clinic

Raider Clinic

The MIS/HPMS Clinic is designed to treat minor injuries and to act as a temporary “waiting room” for students who have become ill during the school day. If your student exhibits symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever prior to school arrival, please keep your student at home and call your student's attendance office to let them know they will be out for the day. Should a student become ill during school hours, only persons designated in Skyward will be contacted to pick up the student. 

Clinic Hours:
8:00 am - 2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. (Conference/Planning/Emergencies Only) 

Phone Number 
MIS School Nurse: Stacy Eckeberger, LVN: (214) 780-3520
HPMS School Nurse: Amanda Settle, RN: (214) 780-3620
Fax Number: (214) 780-3599

Illness During School Day:
If a student becomes ill during the school day, the student should report to the school health clinic where the nurse will assess the student and determine proper care and/or decide if the student should be dismissed home.  If your student has a known illness that is likely contagious please be courteous to others and keep your student(s) at home until symptoms such as fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting have not occurred for 24 hours. No student, regardless of age, is allowed to leave school unless the nurse or attendance office has permission from a parent for the current school day.

Students will be sent home and should stay home from school due to illness if any of the following are present:
  • fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
  • vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
  • unknown rash
  • untreated scabies, impetigo
  • purulent discharge (anything other than clear discharge) from the nose or eyes resulting from a contagious condition
  • ringworm of the scalp (until treatment has been started)
  • red, inflamed and discharging eyes (conjunctivitis)
  • head lice 

Prescription or non-prescription medication required by a student should be administered outside of school, if possible. Medications that are scheduled for administration three (3) times a day will not be given at school without a physician's written authorization. If a student requires medication to be given during school hours, a Medication Administration form must be completed and turned in to the clinic. All medication (prescription and over-the-counter) must be delivered directly to the clinic by a parent, guardian or responsible adult and must be in the original, properly labeled container. The pharmacy can supply two (2) labeled bottles for this purpose. Medication sent in baggies or unlabeled containers will not be given. Requirements for medications are as follows:

  • In the original, properly labeled container (no baggies or envelopes, please!)
  • Up to date (check the expiration date before bringing it to school), and
  • Age-appropriate in dosage

“Controlled Medications”: Ritalin, Dexedrine, Concerta and Adderall and all other “controlled” (Class II) medications must be brought to the clinic by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. For safety reasons, please do not send these medications to school with your child. All controlled medications are counted by the school nurse and locked in a secure cabinet. All prescription medications must be in the original, properly labeled containers.  

Immunization Requirements:
Texas state law requires updated immunization records for students entering 7th grade. Seventh graders are required to have a tetanus booster and a meningitis vaccine. These are typically eleven year old well child vaccinations. Please submit your students vaccination record to your school nurse.
For students with medical exemptions, a physician's note is required yearly. For students requesting an exemption for reasons of conscience, please fill out this form. The original signed and notarized Affidavit for Exemption from Immunizations needs to be turned in to the clinic. Affidavit for Exemption from Immunizations are valid for two years. 
Exclusion from Athletics/PE:
The school nurse should be provided documentation on all medical conditions that will require special accommodations. Parent/Students should contact their athletic trainers, coaches and school nurse to inform them of all medical conditions that might require special accommodations. A written activity restriction note is required for any student who cannot participate fully in athletics or PE.