Medication Policy/Forms
Prescription or non-prescription medication required by a student should be administered outside of school, if possible. Medications that are scheduled for administration three (3) times a day will not be given at school without a physician's written authorization. If a student requires medication to be given during school hours, a Medication Administration form must be completed and turned in to the clinic. All medication (prescription and over-the-counter) must be delivered directly to the clinic by a parent, guardian or responsible adult and must be in their original, properly labeled container. The pharmacy can supply two (2) labeled bottles for this purpose. Medication sent in baggies or unlabeled containers will not be given.
“Controlled” (Class II) medications must be brought to the clinic by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. For safety reasons, please do not send these medications to school with your child. All controlled medications are counted by the school nurse and locked in a secure cabinet. All prescription medications must be in the original, properly labeled containers.
Over-the-Counter Medication: Texas state law does not permit public schools to provide Tylenol, Advil, cough preparations or other over-the-counter medications to students unless these are supplied from home. These will need to be brought into the school clinic by a parent/guardian. Parents can drop off a small sized bottle of any OTC medications. Siblings can share OTC medications. Please complete a Medication Administration form and turn it in to the clinic. You will need to complete a new form each school year. Medications not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of.
Medications must be:
- In the original, properly labeled container (no baggies or envelopes, please)
- Unexpired
- Age-appropriate in dosage