Accessing MAP Scores, Report Cards and STAAR Scores
MAP Scores:
You may access MAP scores by logging into your Skyward Family account. Then click on the Portfolio tab, then click on the MAP test you want to view.
Report Cards & Parent Electronic Signature:
You may access the report card by logging into your Skyward Family account. Then click on the Portfolio tab. Then click on the report card and follow the instructions to sign and view the report card.
By law, HPISD is required to collect either physical or electronic signatures to confirm that you have received the report card. In Skyward, electronic signatures can only be captured through a web browser (example: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer). This means that signatures cannot be collected through the Skyward mobile app or downloaded on a phone or tablet.
STAAR Scores:
You may access STAAR scores by logging into your Skyward Family account. Then click on the Portfolio tab, click on Assessment UAC and follow the directions to the link indicated accessing all testing information.